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God is love

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

God is love. He created love. Everything in Him, from Him, of Him and through Him begins and ends with love. He created us to multiply and share His love. He longs for us to share His love to others. All his creation animals, mountains, the sky, the oceans, the moon, the sun, the stars, the clouds are all made of His love.

Everything he made is made of love and perfectly and wonderfully made in that love. Our cells, our limbs, our organs, our tissues, our bones, our mind, our hearts, our souls are all made of His love. When that love is not accepted, interrupted, or distorted from evil that creation of love can be imperfect and cause disease or a defect. To repair this imperfection, the creation of perfect love must be restored by forgiveness, acceptance, renewed faith, restored belief, or proper identity in Him. Sometimes God will choose not to restore even when all of these things have been restored back to His proper love. God uses these examples to gain virtues to the person or those around them, to be an example for others, to obtain salvation, or to use little earthly suffering Christs to bring others to Him.

"So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him."1John 4:16


Words of
Everyday Grace

Words are powerful!  God literally used words to create the Universe by speaking creation into existence.  In Genesis 1:3 God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. What a beautiful act of love! God uses this communication through the Holy Spirit to "speak" sanctity into us! To transform us from sin to holiness. 

Graces are the supernatural gifts God gives us to help us gain eternal salvation. 

When we surrender ourselves to God we can be led by these truths and be transformed to  become more like Jesus!






To know Him, is to love and hear His voice.

©2021 by Lisa Johnson

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